Why are there three different templates for procedure

The three different templates DK Procedure Act, DK Procedure Observation, and DK Procedure Procedure are used to report procedures.

HL7 defines act, observation, and procedure in the following terms:


A record of something that is being done, has been done, can be done, or is intended or requested to be done. - see 3.1.1 in the specification


An Act of recognizing and noting information about the subject, and whose immediate and primary outcome (post-condition) is new data about a subject.
Observations often involve measurement or other elaborate methods of investigation, but may also be simply assertive statements
- see 3.1.13 in the specification


An Act whose immediate and primary outcome (post-condition) is the alteration of the physical condition of the subject - see 3.1.15 in the specification

The LPR term Procedure can cover all three HL7 defined terms, but doing so violates the standard. Hence, when reporting to LPR, submitters of reports must differenciate between the types Procedure, Observation and Act. The distinction between these three types is defined by three different value sets maintained externally to LPR by Sundhedsdatastyrelsen; the valueset proc.act urn:oid: for Act,proc.und urn:oid: for Observation, and proc.oper urn:oid: for Procedure.

I want to report a procedure, which template should I use

If you want to report a procedure you must choose a template that can contain the primary procedure code you want to report. If the primary procedure code is present in the value set

  1. urn:oid: you can use DK Procedure Act,
  2. urn:oid: you can use DK Procedure Observation,
  3. urn:oid: you can use DK Procedure Procedure.

If your code is present in more than one value set, you can choose which corresponding template to use.

UPDATE To ease integration Sundhedsdatastyrelsen has decided that proc.opr urn:oid: will contain values for Act, Procedure, and Observation while the two other valuesets proc.act urn:oid: and proc.und urn:oid: will be empty allowing organizations to use the template DK Procedure Procedure for all mandatory procedure reporting to LPR3.